Red Seal Occupational Standard - Cook

The Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship (CCDA) recognizes this Red Seal Occupational Standard (RSOS) as the Red Seal standard for the Cook trade.

RSOS Products

The Cook Red Seal Occupational Standard is developed by Canadian trade representatives. It collects information about the trade as it is practiced across Canada.

This RSOS information is combined in several ways to generate several RSOS Products, each of these is based on information contained in the complete RSOS, and is geared to user needs:

  • Red Seal Occupational Standard - Cook (PDF, 3.8 MB)
    A complete description of all trade activities, skills and knowledge. The Standard defines the trade by collecting and organizing elements together.
  • Trade Profile - Cook (PDF, 575 KB)
    A quick snapshot of all trade activities in the standard. It can be used to self-assess experience. It can be used to introduce a concise summary of all trade activities to those wanting to learn about the trade. It can also be used for gap analysis.
  • Exam Information – Cook
    Rate your experience and knowledge in the trade using the Self-Assessment Tool. Learn about how many questions there are on different topics on the Red Seal exam, the types of questions that are used, and examples of each type.

General Information


The CCDA and ESDC wish to express sincere appreciation for the contribution of the many tradespersons, industrial establishments, professional associations, labour organizations, provincial and territorial government departments and agencies, and all others who contributed to this publication.

Special thanks are offered to the following representatives who contributed greatly to the original draft of the standard and provided expert advice throughout its development:

This standard was prepared by the Apprenticeship and Sectoral Initiatives Directorate of ESDC. The coordinating, facilitating and processing of this standard were undertaken by employees of the standards development team of the Trades and Apprenticeship Division and of New Brunswick, the host jurisdiction for this trade.