Red Seal Examination Consultations

Red Seal examinations determine whether apprentices and trade qualifiers meet the national standard in a particular Red Seal trade. The examinations are regularly updated to maintain their rigour, accuracy and relevance.

Participate in Examination Consultations

Industry plays a key role in the development of Red Seal examinations.
There are three ways to participate:

  1. National Item Bank Workshop

    Trade experts from across the country develop a bank of examination questions. This intensive week-long workshop takes place in Ottawa. Participants must:

    • be knowledgeable and active in the trade;
    • be able to communicate their knowledge about trade practices effectively with their peers; and
    • be able to commit to participating through the entire week.
  2. Translation Validation Workshop

    A small group of bilingual tradespersons help to review the translation of examination questions. Participants are members of the trade community who are knowledgeable and active in the trade, and thoroughly familiar with the English and French terminology used in the trade in the Canadian workplace.

  3. Review Committees

    Committees are made up of tradespersons from across Canada who are knowledgeable and active in the trade. They review various versions of the examination to ensure the questions are clear, fair and test the subject matter appropriately.

    Provinces and territories’ apprenticeship bodies help to identify people in the trade to take part in these activities.

IMPORTANT: Examination development processes are subject to rigorous demands of confidentiality and integrity. Disclosure or distribution of confidential examination material may result in criminal prosecution.

Please visit the Contact Us page if you would like to participate in a Red Seal examination consultation.